解決 XCP VM 當掉問題:Another operation involving the object is currently in progress class: VM

最近遇到一個問題是在 XCP 上的 VM 無法強制重啟也沒辦法關機,
出現的錯誤訊息是:「Another operation involving the object is currently in progress class: VM」。


  1. “xe vm-list” to get the uuid of the VM that is hung
    (用指令取得該VM的 uuid,也可以透過 XenCenter 等方式取得)
  2. “list_domains” to list the domain uuid’s so you can determine the domain # of the VM above by matching the uuids from this output with the uuid for your VM from the previous command.
    (用list_domains指令列出所有domain,並用 uuid 比對取得該 VM 的 domain no.)
  3. “/opt/xensource/debug/destroy_domain -domid XX” where XX is the domain number from the previous command
    (執行這行指令 destroy domain,XX 的地方填入步驟2 所得到的 domain no.)
  4. “xe vm-reboot uuid=XXXX –force” where XXXX is the uuid from the first vm-list command for your VM. (name-label may work but didn’t work this time for me so I used the uuid)
    (強制重新啟動該 VM,XXXX 的地方填入 VM 的 uuid)
這個流程應該同時適用於XenServer 及 XCP,
若有遇上相同的問題可以試試看能不能解決喔 ^^

本文出自符碼記憶,請勿全文轉載,部份轉載請註明出處關鍵字:XenServer, XCP, domain, Another operation involving the object is currently in progress class: VM





Windows 關機、重開機 Command Line (cmd) 指令