Windows Media Player DRM 播放錯誤問題

播放時常會用到 DRM 的技術。

這篇並不是要講 DRM 如何破解,
「Windows Media Player 無法播放這個播放清單中的任何項目。如需詳細資訊,請以滑鼠右鍵按一下無法播放的項目」,按下 [錯誤詳細資料]後會顯示這是 Error Message C00D11BB。
「由於不支援指定的通訊協定,Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。  請在 [開啟 URL] 對話方塊中,嘗試使用不同的傳輸通訊協定 (例如 "http:" 或 "rtsp:") 來開啟檔案。」

我最近一次的經驗是在 NBA 冠軍賽正精采時國外的訊號全沒了,
為了不錯過一分一秒我只有開了中華電信 hichannel 的中文轉播,
但一直以來都很正常的 hichannel 總是在授權後出現這個問題,

所以就在這裡為大家解答囉:MicorSorf 解答連結

總共有 A, B, C 三點,可依序檢查,但如果之前都可看且確定網址正常,設定也都沒動過,可直接跳至 C。
A) If you encountered this error by typing a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try opening the file by using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:" or "rtsp:"). The following list shows the protocols that are supported by the Player and examples of the correct URL syntax:
• mms://server/filename (for example, a file with a .wma, .wmv, .asf, or .mp3 extension)
• http://server/filename  
• rtsp://server/filename  
• mms://server/sami.asf?SAMI=http://server/sami/sami_demo.smi (SAMI file)  

但通常連結都會是正常的,除非自己耍笨了,所以下面 B, C這裡才是重點!
B) If the Player supports the protocol that you used in the URL and you still can't play the content, verify that the Player is configured to use all of its supported protocols. To configure protocol settings
1. In Windows Media Player, on the Tools menu, click Options.  
2. In the Options dialog box, on the Network tab, in the Streaming protocols area, select all the protocol check boxes (Multicast, UDP, TCP, and HTTP), so that a check mark is displayed in each.   Note that the supported protocols can be used only to stream digital media files. Windows Media Player cannot be used as a browser.

C) If the above fixes don't work, you can rename the networking information folder for the Player so that it can rebuild its networking information files after you restart it. To rename the Player networking information folder
1. Close Windows Media Player. (To do this, on the File menu, click Exit.)  
關掉 Windows Media Player
2. Click Start, and then click Run.  
按左下角的「開始」->「執行」(或直接按 Win + r)
3. In the Run dialog box, type the following (exactly as shown): %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Media
在「執行」的欄中填入「%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Media」
4. In this folder, rename the folder 11.0 to 11.0.bak. For more information about renaming folders, see To change the name of a file or folder.
在出現的資料夾中把 11.0 的資料夾重新命名為 11.0.bak,也有可能出現 10.0 或 12.0 等等,依你 Media Player 的版本而定。
5. Start the Player and try to stream the content again.
最後重新啟動 Media Player 就可以囉,這時會發現 4. 的資料夾已重新建立,如果沒問題就可以把 .bak 資料夾刪除了。

以上就是我搞定「Windows Media Player 無法播放這個播放清單中的任何項目。如需詳細資訊,請以滑鼠右鍵按一下無法播放的項目」的做法,
供大家參考囉,希望對大家有幫助 :p

關鍵字:Windows Media Player, 無法播放, 播放清單, 錯誤, 不支援的通訊協定, "rtsp:", hichannel, 廣播, 收聽, 收看







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